Apart from our two German plants we have a subsidiary in Rumania. In Sulzbach-Rosenberg (FRG) there are two separate plants for tool making and parts production. In Cluj (RO) we opened another plant for parts production.
Plant I: Tool Making in Sulzbach-Rosenberg
Plant II: Stamping and Forming Technology in Sulzbach-Rosenberg
Production Plant in Cluj (Romania)
Members of staff
Stamped parts sold
Personal contact to our customers and short decision paths are our strength
The Amberger Werkzeugbau GmbH is a family-run company with more than 45 years of tradition. Since 1971 the Amberger Werkzeugbau GmbH has been a competent partner for the development and manufacture of tools for sheet metal forming.
After initially focusing on the design and manufacture of tools, the process chain was later extended by in-house try-out of tools and series production when establishing the Stamping Technology department in 1989.
Today more than 120 members of staff manufacture tools and stamped parts for medical, electrical and household appliances and for the automotive industry on an area of more than 8,000 square meters in two plants in Sulzbach-Rosenberg.
ISO/TS 16949 / ISO 9001
ISO 14001
We strictly adhere to the legal regulations. We permanently work on improving the environmental performance. We continually apply an energy- and resource-efficient policy. We regard our environmental policy as part of our obligation towards future generations.